Hi, my name is Mihai Ghețe and I'm an IT professional with a background in software engineering.
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Worked at Bike Citizens as Employee #1 and minority shareholder
Bike Citizens set out to create a digital platform for urban cyclists. With more than one million downloads and
a 5-to-6 figure monthly active user count, the Bike Citizens app managed to gain a certain notoriety in
this space, sporting features such as optimized bike routing and navigation and including ways to make it more fun and
more practical for people to cycle in cities, such as games and campaigns.
The company's holistic approach benefitted city governments, allowing them to gain actual data-driven insights and
understand how cyclists use infrastructure — and how it can be improved.
As first employee and "tech" person, I put on various hats throughout the years,
finally assuming the position of Vice President of Engineering for six years.
Studied Informatics at TU Wien
Graduated with honors.
Master thesis: Extending Bison with Attribute Grammars
Before Bike Citizens, I held a few workshops (Apache Tomcat, JBoss) as a contractor for Splendit IT-Consulting GmbH.
I also worked as a tutor at TU Wien for a few years during my studies.
Hobbies, activities and personal interests
Hiking is a great activity — you can get fresh air and exercise, see the world, all for free or cheap.
There's always new places to explore, no matter where you are.
While most of my interactions with OpenStreetMap involved using its data in a professional capacity,
I also do some actual mapping from time to time and may show up at the local OpenStreetMap meetups.
I think OpenStreetMap is one of the more interesting collaborative projects that
came out of Web 2.0. Placing people first and staying open, as well as managing to walk the fine line
between community and corporate interests definitely helped.
During our university years we started hunTU,
a scavenger hunt in the spirit of the University of Chicago Scavenger Hunt that takes place at TU Wien.
In this π-day-long game, participating teams have to get a hold of items of varying eccentricity that we define, as well as take part in mini-events and competitions.
We organize the hunTU every year and it's always a lot of fun!
I like to frequent these regular events: